Ok so back in my old guild we set up a fun little community project thats fun for everyone. also interested if yall wanted to do one. But anyhow ill post it so yall can read it and you can WTFBBQ? to it
Once there was some random guy who had a hunk of chicken in his pants. He later went to a bar and decided to pick up three big fat chicks that smelled like Thine's dirty dildos after three days of frying in a really chunky tub of fetus stew, with sticky and very moldy purple goat cheese. After that the Pandas attacked with infinite billion of very poorly organized midgets with rabies, and they began to blow shit to fucking pieces. Then the midgets started brutally raping Daraku and his fat squatting ass and then Dario pulled out his Metal Gear Solid and kamekazi'd thines you know what, that poor couch summoned all the flying spider tigers to eat all the starving Prostitute-babies that once were driven to the house of rape in which they mutated into giant fat vagina moles. Suddenly they went into a Chinese sweat shop revolution that changed the course of history and led to the total destruction of your virginity. Soon after that they all pooped the most massive gumdrop you've ever seen in the whole entire universe!!! So then they ate large potatos with their huge mouths which were made out of the biggest piece of zal's ass that the world has ever seen. This random guy touched Thine's body with his magical super duper ultimate "stick" of death that resembled a panda doing cartwheels. Once, in the cave of homos during various rituals involving breakfast products Dario managed to become a super shady drug dealer that was the ub3r 1337 pr0s4uc3 and decided to punt a grandma into a massive chunk of cheese and pubic hair. Grandma then later rode a tiger which ate her with orange marmalade and a fetus. The lone ranger shot the sheriff with a really old pirate gat attached to a Rocket Propelled Gun and a flamethrower with jagged teeth and sex toys that smelled awful. After that, a giant panda raped goliaths asian mouth with the force of ninja bunnies wearing super awesome men in black suits with 7% kung fu amp. Then The Dario turned super saiyan and destroyed goats, mega zombie goats!! Later that night, shit got brutal, so brutal that Dario began to flail his arms like a bunch of vicious entrepreneurs that had the might of 50.000 mutated energy dicks with speed bumps all over them. Pirates then raided a porno shop with enormous moustaches and giant dildos that obliterated vajays. The Pirates were ending this story? But then Dario drop kicked hookers with his mega super duper ultimate wang chung cannon! Later that Night, he ate very soggy potato chips marinated in gravy and covered with juicy hot burritos! After that, Goliath was sitting on a dildo horse and all of a sudden his shrivled dildo thingy came to life and murdered everything! Goliath later went to the moon and had moon sex with himself.
The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes there is no paragraph structure. its wat u get from copy and paste!